An Ideal relationship.. Does it exist..??

Anthony Robbins

The quality of your life totally depends on the quality of your relationships.

An ideal relationship

Ha! It can’t be that easy can it? Well, it’s not. Sometimes, what we think we want is not what we actually want. If you could take a look at your current relationship, if you are in one, and your two past previous relationships, what would you see?

Take a pen and paper out and list the similarities between your present relationship and the past two. If you are currently single, do the same with your past relationships (at least two, preferably three). Can you see any patterns that are similar between them?

Have you been creating the same type of partner, over and over again? That is what I did, in the past. One of the techniques that worked really well for me was to sit down and write a fake personal ad. In that ad, I listed all of the qualities of the people that I had been attracting in my life. It wasn’t pretty.

When I saw all those negatives, I was prompted to turn around and re-frame the qualities. I wrote an ad about the opposite qualities. It was much better and in the end, that is what I went on to bring into my life. When you do this exercise, you see that you are attracting what you believe you deserve. Sometimes, “your type” and what you think you wanted, are not for your higher good.

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