Set goals in your Life

Set a goal in your life


The most important thing about GOALS is having one !


Each day of life is a new opportunity, you need to grab it.

In my early days of childhood, I read somewhere that the time is money. Despite of reading and listening about the importance of time infinite number of times I could never realize how precious it is.
While appearing for my campus placement interviews, recruiters used to ask certain set of questions:
What are your plans?
What are your goals?
Where do you see yourself after 5 years down the line?

I never had any goal. I never had any plan. I was not driving my life. I was not utilizing my time. I had no direction. I was just passing time. Life was driving me.
I was satisfied and happy with whatever I scored, with whatever I achieve and whatever I get.

But now my desires have surpassed my feelings of self-satisfaction and I’m engrossed in the process of making my life worth living.
I have now realized the importance of goals, aims and desires.

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